Kemal Anbarci, PhD
General Manager, Venture Capital, Chevron Technology Ventures

Kemal Anbarci has been leading the Venture Capital group of Chevron Technology Ventures(CTV) for over ten years. In his role, he is responsible for managing CTV’s core funds and using venture capital as a conduit for integration of new technology solutions into Chevron operations. Kemal has been with Chevron for over 30 years and over that time, he has held a variety of upstream responsibilities including R&D, field development, M&A and integration, technology and resource management. Kemal holds masters’ degrees in operations research as well as in petroleum and natural gas engineering from Pennsylvania State University, where he also earned a Ph.D. in petroleum and natural gas engineering. He holds an MBA from the University of California, Irvine and a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey.