Michael Campos
Investor, Energy Impact Partners

Dr. Michael Campos is an Investor at Energy Impact Partners (EIP). His focus is EIP’s Frontier Fund, which backs revolutionary technologies that accelerate the transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. His areas of expertise include geothermal energy, chemistry, nanoscience, and climate adaptation. Michael has over a decade of experience in climate technology, spanning venture capital, government funding, and basic and applied research. Michael holds a Ph.D., M.Phil., and M.A. in Chemistry from Columbia University, and a B.A. in Chemistry from Northwestern University. He has co-authored eight peer-reviewed articles and is a co-inventor on two patents. He also serves as a Strategic Advisor to Project InnerSpace, a nonprofit dedicated to enabling geothermal energy anywhere in the world, and writes Adapting, a newsletter about climate adaptation. He lives in Boston.