ENP Technologies
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Industrial equipment lacks a standard way to store information. Unlike retail with barcodes for each item, industrial equipment has no one source of truth. This makes it difficult for companies to share that information, hurting productivity, profitability, and accurate carbon foot tracking. UNIIEQ offers a solution as a decentralized, open master data management system. Its main objective is to standardize industrial equipment metadata, serving as the single source of truth across the entire value chain from manufacturing to retail. UNIIEQ will provide product visibility for manufacturers and validated data for buyers, fostering collaboration and efficiency.
The need for high-quality and comprehensive metadata is becoming more evident and urgent. Equipment metadata is essential to efficiently implement advanced AI solutions. UNIIEQ (Blockchain based Web3) easily integrates with systems such as ERP, EDMS, DTWIN, and WMS. UNIIEQ does not have direct competitors.